Event submitted by Sang Kim
Event ID:

An error occurred during a scheduled backup of drive I:\.
Error EA39070A: The internal structure of the PQI file is invalid or unsupported.
Details: 0xEA39070A
Source: Norton Ghost 9.0

Solution by Sang Kim

2005-06-29 04:43:21 UTC

This is a common error in Norton Ghost 9.0 (I have 23 instances of this error logged across my old and brand new build of WinXP Pro). In an extended email thread with Symantec India support, they have been unable to explain why this error frequently occurs (on various hard drives, even with a clean and minimal boot). However, they are good at wasting time by putting up all sorts of hoops to jump through.

If you use Norton Ghost 9.0, please be sure to run a VERFIY after each image backup. Otherwise you may be surprised when you try to restore!

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